M3gan and AI The hit new movie, Megan is a sci-fi horror movie wild ride for the start of the 2023 movie season. Megan is the classic Frankenstein story meets The Terminator meets The Bad Seed with a dash of Chucky from Child’s play added for good measure. Based on...
Unbundled Legal Services Also known as limited scope representation or à la carte legal services, refer to a model of legal representation where the attorney and client agree to only handle specific tasks or parts of a legal matter, rather than handling the entire...
Why is Brand Protection Important If you are in business, you understand the importance of brand protection.Protecting brands from misuse or dilution is a critical part of building the value that they represent to their owners. Your brand is what sets you apart from...
Thinking about filing your trademark without an attorney? While it is certainly less expensive to file your trademark application without an attorney, the odds of a successful registration are not in your favor. Filing with the assistance of a trademark...
Does your website have a privacy policy? If you have a website, especially if you run an online business, your privacy policy is incredibly important. And not having a compliant one can actually lead to big problems for your business. I’ll give you a basic overview...
Your business is growing, and you feel like you’re ready to protect your brand by applying for trademark registration. Yay! This is such an exciting step and a smart one to protect your business and your brand. But before you begin the process of protecting your...